How to make more money working less hours in language training

Background I, Richard Osborne, am a self-confessed geek. I love technology, automation and anything with flashy lights. I’ve always been fascinated by the world of apps – handy made-for-purpose tools on your phone that solve some particular problem or inconvenience you have in your life. One of my own favourite examples is a French public […]

Is Face-to-Face Language Teaching Doomed?

I was recently asked to write a guest blog post for ELTjam about the factors that can lead to the success or failure of an eLearning project. Since language trainers today are being pushed more and more towards replacing face-to-face lessons with cheaper digital alternatives, as well as having created my own digital language learning […]

What’s wrong with your language eLearning solution?

With eLearning becoming an unavoidable element in any training project hoping to reduce its costs, many in the language training industry have turned to eLearning, particularly digital Learning Management Systems, as a quick-fix for looming financial problems. After numerous attempts by both small and large players in the market to establish effective eLearning solutions for […]

Vidéo : Présentation de l’offre de formation pour les écoles de langues

Le 27 octobre nous avons présenté la nouvelle offre de formation pour les écoles de langues et les formateurs indépendants de langues basés en France. Si vous n’avez pas pu venir, nous avons le plaisir de vous donner une vidéo qui vous donnera toutes les informations utiles sur nos formations.